The goal of writing

Life goes by fast. Our memories are terrible. Think about the fidelity of the moment you are experiencing right now. Now think about a minute ago. An hour. A day. A year. They are, at best, aging mosaics of the most rich experience we get to experience every single second.

I have never heard anyone that writes regularly say regret it. The only regret I hear is how they should have started earlier. It has an incredible amount of benefits and few drawbacks so here we go.

My goal for 2019 is to blog weekly and I am already behind. 52 blogs coming up.

Who am I?

My name is Ryan Rusnak and I am the CTO and co-founder of Airspace Technologies. I am a husband to an awesome wife and new father to a baby boy. I live in Carlsbad, California and am actively working everyday to grow the tech culture in this beautiful part of the world.

Most people know me from this commercial, but I have had a number of projects that people have used from the iOS application for the White House to the application that aggregates the federal budget to many different incantations of beer shooting robots. I have my masters of Human Computer Interaction from Carnegie Mellon so the vast majority of content will be technical and design related.

We do amazing things at Airspace everyday. This year, I want to make sure I am talking about as much of it as I can. Stay tuned.